First steps with Rust

Posted on May 13, 2024 in Rust

Documenting my first steps with Rust, from installation to running a simple script.

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TIL: Automating Command Execution Across All Tmux Panes

Posted on June 30, 2023 in Tmux

Learn how to automate the propagation of configuration changes across all tmux panes, saving time and enhancing productivity.

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Being a good UNIX neighbour

Posted on April 29, 2023 in cli, unix

A few tips to be a good UNIX neighbour and make your scripts more portable.

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TIL: NERDTree Bookmarks

Posted on March 22, 2023 in Vim

NERDTree Bookmarks is a plugin that allows you to bookmark files and directories in NERDTree.

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The Data Bus: a helpful pattern for data engineering

Posted on December 07, 2022 in Data Engineering

The Data Bus is a pattern that can help you tidy up data flows, and helps to keep track of the preprocessing steps taken. It is a simple, language-agnostic pattern that can be used to make sense when multiple transform steps are involved.

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Benchmarks for writing pandas DataFrames to SQL Server (ODBC)

Posted on March 15, 2020 in Python, SQL, MS

In this article, we benchmark various methods to write data to MS SQL Server from pandas DataFrames to see which is the fastest. We compare multi, fast_executemany and turbodbc, and find the best candidate.

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CrossFit Open 2019 Analysis - Exercise Statistics

Posted on June 30, 2019 in CrossFit, Python

In this article, we take a deeper dive into the benchmark exercise times and weights for the 2019 CrossFit Open athletes, including sprinting, running, squat, deadlift, clean & jerk, and snatch.

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CrossFit Open 2019 Analysis - Benchmark Workouts

Posted on June 15, 2019 in CrossFit, Python

In this final article on 2019 CrossFit Open athlete statistics, we take a look at the spread of times for CrossFit's iconic workouts from athlete profile pages: Fran, Grace, Helen, Filthy Fifty, and Fight Gone Bad.

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CrossFit Open 2019 Analysis - Athlete Statistics

Posted on June 01, 2019 in CrossFit, Python

In this article, we disect the various physical, strength and athletic attributes of hundreds of thousands of 2019 CrossFit Open athletes as self-reported in their athlete profiles.

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Installing the Azure CLI on Manjaro (Arch) with Anaconda

Posted on December 03, 2018 in Linux

A short guide to troubleshooting the installation of Microsoft's Azure Command Line Interface (CLI) on Manjaro Linux

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